Rettenmund Solutions: Mission animal welfare & animal protection – improving the world together

We were again heavily involved in nature and animal protection projects in 2023, with a few key projects being particularly important to us.
In this article, we will briefly highlight each of these projects and would like to motivate our customers and partners, friends and other conservationists to get involved.
You can help too!
A small contribution goes a long way.
The links are directly connected to the projects, all donations go 100% to the respective project.

MUKA Mother-calf husbandry Switzerland The MUKA project is an innovative approach to livestock farming in which calves are allowed to stay with their mothers for at least three months.
This method is not only more animal-friendly, but also promotes healthier development of the calves.
We have actively supported the MUKA association by developing a new website to raise awareness of this important initiative and extend its reach.
Support MUKA via the association here: Exciting article in the Sonntagszeitung on the subject of MUKA:


Wilderness International – Canada & Peru The organization Wilderness International is committed to protecting intact habitats, which still make up 2.8% of the Earth’s land surface.
This corresponds to around 4.17 million square kilometers of nature that urgently needs to be protected.
We have joined the fight to preserve these valuable areas.
Most remarkably, intact forests are a source of clean air and clear water, ensure a cool microclimate and provide space for recreation and adventure.
By working with Wilderness International, a significant contribution has been made to the protection of primeval forests in Canada and Peru.
Join in and support here:

Mission Erde e.V. – Project: “Ghost nets 3.0” Another important project is “Mission Earth: Ghost Nets 3.0”.
In 2021, 3 tons of net remains were already recovered from the Baltic Sea.
The aim for the next phase of this project is to recover even more of these ghost nets from the oceans.
This requires special equipment, the cost of which is around 60,000 euros.
We are supporting this mission to take another step towards cleaner oceans and the protection of marine life.
Support here:

Mission Erde e.V. – Project: “Mission Bali” “Mission Bali” focuses on the protection of one of the world’s most endangered bird species, the Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi).
This project aims to strengthen the population of these rare birds through reintroduction measures.
Another focus is on the protection of the Javan monkeys, which are rescued from the illegal wildlife trade and released into the wild.
We also support this project to protect both the birds and the monkeys in their wonderful natural habitat in Bali.
Support here:  

Zur Blog-Übersicht


Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz

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