Visibility, social media and the “holy grail”

What is the recipe for success for successful companies on social media? A convincing online presence and relevant, up-to-date content are certainly indispensable for achieving a high level of digital visibility. Brands that focus on clear positioning, tell exciting stories over the long term and understand users and constantly changing social media platforms are the winners on social media.

Successful companies are aware of the importance of a convincing online presence. A well-designed website and a skillful presence on social media are indispensable today. The aim is to achieve digital omnipresence or at least a massively high level of digital visibility. Whether it’s corporations like Apple, the Kardashians or the neighborhood store around the corner – on social media, they provide insights behind the scenes, tease new products and try to get on a personal level with their customers. The target group is increasingly grateful for the free content on social media – whether on the way to the office, at work or at home in the evening. Relevant content is the be-all and end-all here. The most successful Instagram or Facebook accounts offer the currently trending or seasonally relevant content almost in real time. Channels that are managed inadequately or without a strategy quickly come across as unprofessional. The negative impact on your own brand can be guessed accordingly. Speed of implementation has now become a KPI on social media. The correct handling of shitstorms and the necessary ability to react also show who is ahead. The biggest winners on social media are all those brands, influencers or companies that focus on clear positioning. For example, when it comes to content: those who have an exciting story to tell in the long term and pull the social media strings correctly will win and strengthen their brand position. It is a good idea to use all social media platforms without duplicating content. Social media automation using AI software continues to grow. But it is not the social media management tools that make the difference: If you want to be ahead, it’s imperative to keep an eye on and actively understand the ever-changing social media platforms and their users. Delivering the right content in a personalized way, correctly interpreting and using trends on social media and always having a foot in the future is the holy grail in the world of social media.

Author: Michael Rettenmund

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