The end-of-year issue of our e-magazine is here

Our end-of-year edition of the e-mag is published shortly before the end of the year. Find out more about customer projects, companies and people with whom we work successfully. It’s amazing how quickly the Internet has changed in recent years. And yet some key factors for success on the World Wide Web have remained the same over the decades: Simple and user-friendly solutions are more in demand than ever. With the increasing complexity of our digital lives, the need for simple products is growing for the “normal surfer”. The flood of apps has taught us that it doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits-all solution, but that it is more efficient for the end user if individual applications only cover a few specific needs. Today’s Internet user does not want a software battleship, but is looking for a simple tool to cover a few requirements. They don’t care if they have to use ten different software tools or web platforms. The main thing is simplicity, efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Download E-Magazine (PDF)

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