What does a new website cost? What does it cost to revise an existing website solution?

Free website offer

How much should I expect to pay for a new website or a website redesign? As professionals with a wealth of experience, we know: There is not a suitable standard package for every need.
Very often it makes the most sense for us to briefly review your requirements and needs and provide you with a suitable offer.
If you wish, we can also prepare variant quotations.
This means that we prepare two offers for a smaller and a larger budget.
Or if it has to be done quickly, we can provide you with an express quote and a quote with standard “normal” implementation deadlines. And it is important that you understand with our offer: – what you get from us for your money – what possibilities there are for implementation – what the advantages and disadvantages of the respective solution are – what other options are available (e.g. phased expansion e.g. website phase 1, website with product catalog in phase 2 and complete online store in phase 3)

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