Search engine optimization (SEO) in the Bern area – so that your company is found on Google!

We offer you cost-effective analyses and implementation of search engine optimizations for your website in the Bern area.
Would you like to finally appear higher up in the Google search results?
In most cases, this can be achieved with little financial outlay.
We will show you how, so that you can carry out the optimizations yourself in the future.
Very good results can be achieved for as little as CHF 500 per month.
We optimize your website and your content for fixed price amounts for small and medium-sized sites.
For larger company websites, we also offer packages with sales boosters (up to 30% more guaranteed sales).
Benefit from our many years of experience here too.

SEO costs / prices

Have we aroused your interest?
Get in touch with us and we will be happy to answer all your questions. Please contact us.


Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz

swiss alpine herbs - SWISSALPINEHERBS

Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

BETAX Genossenschaft BERN

mä - Dachverband Schweizer Männer- & Väterorganisationen

UBS Bank - Y

medbase Gruppe

REKA Genossenschaft

Kyburz Saphire, Safnern - Optische Komponenten Saphir, Keramik

Edition Königstuhl

Gemeinde Urtenen-Schönbühl

LKBV - Luzerner Kantonal-Blasmusikverband

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Casafair - Eigentum mit Verantwortung

alfred egli salm stiftung

Swisspower AG

Gemeinde Moosseedorf

Einwohnergemeinde Lengnau

reCIRCLE AG - Die Mehrwegsystem-Lösung

HESAV - Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud