The company – the Bern web agency

Our team

Michael Rettenmund
Focus: Software development, prototyping, innovations, digital marketing

Adrian Marti
Support / Customer Care
Areas: IT Support

Cornelia Spahr
Brand Consultant
Areas: Visual Design / UI/UX

Barbara Müller
Brand Consultant
Focus: Visual Design

Adrian Scherzinger
Focus: Corporate videos, light installations

Emanuel Stotzer
Focus: Corporate Photography

Why Rettenmund Solutions in particular?

Our goal is to offer you what you or your company needs – in line with our “Customer Centric Philosophy”.
We take a holistic view of your project and are therefore happy to take a look at business processes, the business model and the goals set.
We are strong in showing our customers the existing optimization potential in order to maximize your company’s success and minimize costs.
Thanks to our proximity to innovation hubs in Bern such as the Impact Hub, the Effinger Co-Working Space, the head office and, of course, the Innovation Village Bern, we have our finger on the pulse of time and current trends.
We set ourselves apart from our competitors:

  • Years of experience in dealing with software projects and solutions
  • Young power and motivation through proximity and connections to Bern’s innovation hubs
  • Our technology-independent IT know-how
  • An innovative way of thinking
  • The uncomplicated way to communicate
  • Our enthusiasm for your ideas and wishes

After more than 20 years of experience, we can offer you professional support in the following areas, among others:

  • Management & innovation consulting
  • Digital products
  • Digital marketing
  • Digital branding & communication
  • Digital applications
  • Customized software solutions
  • Crossmedia Solutions

and much more …
Do you have a project, a problem to solve or do you want to take your business to the digital level?
We are the right partner in almost every case.
Contact us and together we will discuss your initial situation and look at the goals or results to be achieved.
E-mail: Tel.
031 / 991 00 45


Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz

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