Your website finally ranks better on Google

Search engine optimization at a fixed monthly price

How do you achieve good positioning with your website?
The answer lies in an intelligent mix of organizational, technical and content-related measures – good content is the key to success!
But technical optimization can also work wonders (e.g. optimization of page load time).
Put your trust in us and you won’t be disappointed!

Basic package – search engine optimization

We get your website to page 1 or 2 on Google after just two months.
Minimum effort, maximum return! Only CHF 500.- / month (excl. VAT) Tip: Book only 3 months with us – in most cases this is already enough to achieve your first goals All we need is access to your website or CMS.
We do the rest for you.
For more information on the individual services, see What you get.

Our services at a glance


The package includes measures for one month or the selected optimization phase.
Our experience shows: The best results can be achieved within 3 months.


We create a location analysis and compare it with your competitors.
At the end of the campaign, recording the current situation will provide us with information about your success.

Action plan

Based on the location analysis of your website and the current competitive situation, we create an action plan for you and a concept for an effective approach.

SEO measures

You receive 5 hours per month in which we formulate Google-relevant texts.
The texts are strategically placed to achieve the SEO goals.

Monitoring & optimization

We check the campaign status on a weekly basis and make targeted changes if necessary.


We keep you up to date.
You will receive a status report at the end of each month.
This keeps you informed about the progress of your campaign.

Terms and conditions

Payment: Advance payment for the selected period in months.
Special payment conditions for long-term SEO bookings of 10 months or more.

Request for quotation

Yes, I am interested in this offer.
Please send me a non-binding and free offer by e-mail.
If you have any questions, please contact me by phone (only if selected in the form).

We will be happy to answer your questions by telephone

Your contact person Do you have any questions?
I will be happy to help you. Michael Rettenmund Tel.
031 991 00 45 E-Mail:


Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz

swiss alpine herbs - SWISSALPINEHERBS

Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

BETAX Genossenschaft BERN

mä - Dachverband Schweizer Männer- & Väterorganisationen

UBS Bank - Y

medbase Gruppe

REKA Genossenschaft

Kyburz Saphire, Safnern - Optische Komponenten Saphir, Keramik

Edition Königstuhl

Gemeinde Urtenen-Schönbühl

LKBV - Luzerner Kantonal-Blasmusikverband

stadtwerke kongress aarau

Casafair - Eigentum mit Verantwortung

alfred egli salm stiftung

Swisspower AG

Gemeinde Moosseedorf

Einwohnergemeinde Lengnau

reCIRCLE AG - Die Mehrwegsystem-Lösung

HESAV - Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud