What approximate costs can you expect?

What does a website cost?
What does search engine optimization cost?
What budget do you need for a functioning online marketing campaign?

In our view, every inquiry deserves an individual offer tailored to your project. Nevertheless, it is often difficult for our customers to estimate the costs involved. We have therefore listed a number of our most frequent projects here. What does a website cost? Would you like to calculate this yourself online and without obligation?

You will soon find our website cost calculator here. We ask for your patience. Would you like to receive a free and non-binding quote?
Send us your quote request.

Costs – Website Development

  • Mini-Website (e.g., private individuals, startups, small businesses, small non-profits)
    Required budget: approx. CHF 2,000 to CHF 5,000 depending on the site’s requirements
  • Less complex and visually simple website (e.g., non-profits, SMEs)
    Required budget: CHF 5,000 to approx. CHF 10,000 depending on the site’s requirements
  • Comprehensive and visually sophisticated, exclusive website (e.g., non-profits, SMEs)
    Required budget: CHF 10,000 to approx. CHF 15,000 depending on the site’s requirements
  • Very comprehensive and visually highly exclusive website (e.g., non-profits, SMEs)
    Required budget: CHF 15,000 to approx. CHF 25,000 depending on the site’s requirements

Costs – Marketing Landing Sites

  • Landing site for a simple marketing campaign, visually appealing, simple scope
    Required budget: approx. CHF 1,000 – 2,500
  • Landing site for a marketing campaign, visually appealing, moderately complex scope
    Required budget: approx. CHF 2,500 – 5,000
  • Landing site for a marketing campaign, visually appealing, very complex scope
    Required budget: approx. CHF 5,000 – 10,000

Costs – Custom Web Portal Development

  • Directory portal / industry directory with some custom features
    Required budget: starting at CHF 10,000 depending on functionality
  • Custom portal with individual features, simple
    Required budget: starting at CHF 10,000 to CHF 20,000 depending on functionality
  • National portal with multiple languages and many features, high-end design
    Required budget: starting at CHF 20,000 to CHF 30,000 depending on scope and requirements
  • International portal with multiple languages and many features, high-end design
    Required budget: CHF 30,000 to CHF 50,000 depending on scope and requirements

Costs – SEO Packages

  • We can bring you to page 1 / 2 on Google, starting with a small monthly budget
    Starting at CHF 500 per month, minimum 3 months subscription

Costs – Google Ads Campaigns

  • AdWords campaigns, starting with a small budget
    Required budget: starting at CHF 500 per month

Costs – Facebook Ads / LinkedIn or Twitter Ads Campaigns

  • These ad campaigns also start with a small budget
    Required budget: starting at CHF 600 per month

Note: All information provided is a rough estimate and non-binding. Costs may vary depending on the project’s scope. Prices are subject to change at any time. Request a free quote from us.


Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz

swiss alpine herbs - SWISSALPINEHERBS

Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

BETAX Genossenschaft BERN

männer.ch - Dachverband Schweizer Männer- & Väterorganisationen

UBS Bank - Y

medbase Gruppe

REKA Genossenschaft

Kyburz Saphire, Safnern - Optische Komponenten Saphir, Keramik

Edition Königstuhl

Gemeinde Urtenen-Schönbühl

LKBV - Luzerner Kantonal-Blasmusikverband

stadtwerke kongress aarau

Casafair - Eigentum mit Verantwortung

alfred egli salm stiftung

Swisspower AG

Gemeinde Moosseedorf

Einwohnergemeinde Lengnau

reCIRCLE AG - Die Mehrwegsystem-Lösung

HESAV - Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud