Bexio and Woocommerce: the winning combination for small and medium-sized e-commerce companies

We introduce the two software solutions Bexio and Woocommerce and explain how they can work together to help e-commerce companies optimize their processes and successfully grow their business.
By combining Bexio and Woocommerce, companies can improve their accounting, customer management, order processing, payment and shipping solutions as well as their inventory management.

Bexio and Woocommerce: two powerful software solutions in e-commerce

In the world of e-commerce, there are a variety of tools and software solutions that help companies optimize their processes and grow their business.
Two of the most popular options are Bexio and Woocommerce.
Here we take a closer look at the history, features and benefits of combining these two software solutions.

Bexio – history and functions

Bexio is a web-based software for small businesses in Switzerland that offers a wide range of functions.
Bexio was founded in 2013 by a group of entrepreneurs with the goal of developing an intuitive and affordable business management solution for small businesses.
The company is based in Rapperswil-Jona and has grown rapidly since it entered the market.
Thousands of customers now use Bexio to manage their accounting, customer management, order processing, time tracking, appointment management and much more.

Woocommerce – history and functions

Woocommerce is an open source e-commerce platform developed by Automattic, the company behind the popular blogging platform WordPress.
The history of Woocommerce dates back to 2008, when it was launched as a plugin for WordPress.
Since then, the platform has evolved into a powerful e-commerce tool that offers a variety of features, such as the integration of payment and shipping solutions, the management of product variants and categories, and the ability to create coupons and discounts.

The combination of Bexio and Woocommerce

When you combine Bexio and Woocommerce, you get a powerful and comprehensive solution for small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses.
Here are some of the benefits of combining these two software solutions: Accounting automation Bexio offers a powerful accounting feature that allows businesses to easily manage their finances.
When it comes to e-commerce, Bexio can be integrated with Woocommerce to automate accounting.
This means that all transactions made via Woocommerce are automatically recorded in Bexio, saving time and making accounting easier. Better customer management Bexio and Woocommerce also work together to improve customer management.
When a customer places an order via Woocommerce, it is automatically recorded in Bexio so that companies have a comprehensive overview of their customers and their orders. Efficient order processing By integrating Woocommerce into Bexio, companies can automate their order processing and make it more efficient.
When a customer places an order on Woocommerce, it is automatically recorded in Bexio and can then be processed from there. Integration of payment and shipping solutions Woocommerce offers a variety of payment and shipping solutions to simplify the checkout process for customers.
By integrating Woocommerce with Bexio, companies can manage their payment and shipping solutions more effectively and consolidate all transactions and orders in one place. Improved inventory management The combination of Bexio and Woocommerce allows businesses to manage their inventory more effectively.
When a product is sold via Woocommerce, it is automatically removed from the inventory in Bexio, so that companies have an accurate overview of which products are still available and which need to be reordered.


Bexio and Woocommerce are two powerful software solutions that can help companies optimize their e-commerce operations.
By combining the two platforms, companies can automate their accounting, improve customer management, make order processing more efficient, integrate payment and shipping solutions and improve their inventory management.
If you run a small or medium-sized e-commerce business and are looking for an effective way to optimize your processes, you should consider integrating Bexio and Woocommerce.
Both platforms offer a variety of features that complement each other perfectly and can help you save time and resources as you grow your business.
Another advantage of combining Bexio and Woocommerce is that both platforms are user-friendly and easy to use.
They do not require extensive IT knowledge or programming skills to implement and use.
This means that businesses of all sizes and industries can benefit from the combination of these two solutions.
It is also important to note that the integration of Bexio and Woocommerce is simple and seamless.
There are a variety of integration tools and plugins that businesses can use to connect the two platforms.
These tools are affordable and easy to implement, allowing businesses to reap the benefits of combining Bexio and Woocommerce in no time.
In summary, Bexio and Woocommerce are two powerful and user-friendly software solutions that can help companies optimize their e-commerce operations and grow their business.
By combining the two platforms, companies can improve their accounting, customer management, order processing, payment and shipping solutions, and inventory management.
If you run a small or medium-sized e-commerce business, you should consider integrating Bexio and Woocommerce to optimize your processes and take your business to the next level.

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