In focus: Our customer “Pretty Good”: Repairing instead of throwing away – it can also be simple

In recent decades, we have developed into a real throwaway society. We dispose of broken items and buy new ones instead of repairing them and taking care of our valuable resources. In some cases, products are even developed and sold that cannot be repaired.

In Switzerland alone, we produce 23.4 kg of electronic waste per capita every year. This puts us in third place worldwide. This throwaway mentality consumes enormous resources and drives CO2 emissions to immeasurable levels.

Repairing makes sense

Repairing is a real solution to this problem. For repairs to become suitable for the masses and make a relevant contribution to the environmental problem, they must be affordable and easily accessible. In addition, the development and marketing of repairable products must be promoted. Pretty Good is positioning itself in precisely these areas and has set itself the goal of massively extending the lifespan of everyday objects!

This is Pretty Good Repair

Pretty Good Repair repairs everyday items of all kinds. Defective items can be handed in by post or at drop-off locations free of charge and without obligation. Experts analyze the products and provide a non-binding quote – repairing can be easy. Pretty Good’s repair rate is 70%; if something cannot be repaired, Pretty Good will recycle the problem item or send it back free of charge. In the future, Pretty Good will go a whole step further and develop modular everyday items that can be repaired easily, cheaply and in a resource-saving way. Soon your favorite items will be with you for the rest of your life – you can look forward to it. You can find more information at

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