Professional PHP 8 migrations for your online solutions

Now up to date: Is your online solution still running with an older PHP 5 version? Is your online platform / store / website not yet PHP 7 or PHP 8 compatible?

As experienced web developers, we are aware of this problem. Current PHP 5.4 (or 5.x) solutions urgently need to be upgraded. For many hosting providers, support for PHP 5 is coming to an end or has already expired. Most providers give an extended deadline. After that, your online store or website may no longer run at all, a blank white page may appear or a PHP error message may appear.

What to do in case of a PHP error?

Contact us and we will check the status of your PHP web application, online platform, online store or website. As part of an actual state analysis (fixed price of 1 hour at CHF 140 + VAT), we look at existing problems and assess the initial situation. We then discuss the existing problems with you and at the same time send you a written estimate of the costs by e-mail. We will also give you a recommendation as to whether your solution can be migrated directly to PHP 8 or whether this makes less technical sense (this should be possible without any problems, provided there are no third-party solutions or complex logics such as with a web application and if the hosting provider offers PHP 8).

How much does a PHP upgrade to PHP 7 or PHP 8 cost?

Depending on the complexity of your online solution, the migration to PHP 7 or PHP 8 may take a little longer. Here are a few non-binding guidelines: from 1-2 hours to several days. Please note that in the case of a solution not developed by us, we always first analyze the current situation for one hour (procedure as mentioned above).

Do you have any questions or would you like an analysis of your current situation?

Contact us without any obligation. We will then submit a proposal to you. It is important that you understand that we must first carry out an ACTUAL analysis (1 hour at 140 excl. VAT at a fixed price). You are then free to decide whether you want to carry out the adjustments according to our recommendation. For more complex web applications, we will always contact you by telephone or arrange an online meeting with you, as it is important to understand the existing application landscape and all processes in detail.

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