Rettenmund realizes the new B2B webshop of SWISS ALPINE HERBS

Following the successful implementation of the B2C online store, we were able to start the B2B online store project with a connection to Arcavis together with SAH Därstetten in Q4 2021. We have been supporting SWISS ALPINE HERBS for several years through various stages of expansion, from the simple static website to the delivery service with online ordering options to the first online store. The B2C online store is now running very successfully.

SWISS ALPINE HERBS is a Swiss company specializing in the cultivation, harvesting and processing of a wide range of herbs native to the Swiss Alps. The company’s mission is to provide customers with high-quality, natural products that are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic additives. The company is based in the picturesque village of Därstetten and is surrounded by breathtaking scenery. The surroundings provide the perfect conditions for growing herbs, which are nourished by the region’s clean air, clear water and mineral-rich soils. SWISS ALPINE HERBS offers a wide range of herbs and spices, including rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, lavender and chamomile. The herbs are grown and harvested in the traditional way to ensure they retain their natural flavors and health-promoting properties. The company uses no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers and ensures that its products are completely organic and sustainable. A highlight of the SWISS ALPINE HERBS range is the Alpine Herb Salt, which is made from high-quality sea salt and a blend of herbs grown and harvested in the Swiss Alps. This salt gives every dish a unique taste and contains a wealth of nutrients and minerals that are essential for a healthy diet. SWISS ALPINE HERBS also offers a range of tea and infusion blends made from a combination of herbs and spices. Each blend is designed to provide specific health benefits, such as better digestion, relaxation or stress relief. The teas are both delicious and nutritious and are often enjoyed by people striving for a healthy lifestyle. In addition to its own products, SWISS ALPINE HERBS also works closely with other companies and local farmers to ensure that only the best herbs and spices are used. The company is proud to be part of a sustainable and ethical network that promotes the protection of the environment and the appreciation of local communities. Overall, SWISS ALPINE HERBS is a company dedicated to producing high-quality, natural products that help customers lead a healthy lifestyle. SWISS ALPINE HERBS herbs and spices are not only delicious, but also nutritious and offer a wealth of health benefits. If you are looking for natural products made by a company that is committed to sustainability and protecting the environment, SWISS ALPINE HERBS is the perfect choice. In addition, the company strives to offer unique and innovative products that provide customers with a special experience. For example, the range also includes products such as herbal lemonade and herbal chocolate, which have a unique taste thanks to the use of high-quality herbs from SWISS ALPINE HERBS. SWISS ALPINE HERBS attaches great importance to the quality of its products and ensures that every step in the production process is carefully monitored.

The herbs are harvested by hand and processed in small batches to ensure that the products are as fresh as possible and retain their natural flavors and nutrients. SWISS ALPINE HERBS products are available in various retail outlets in Switzerland, but customers worldwide can also order their products via the company’s online store. The company attaches great importance to fast and reliable delivery so that customers can enjoy their products as quickly as possible. Overall, SWISS ALPINE HERBS offers a wide range of high-quality herbs, spices and other natural products that are not only delicious, but also nutritious and beneficial to health. The company focuses on sustainable and environmentally friendly production to ensure that its products are not only good for the body, but also for the environment. For people who strive for a healthy lifestyle and are looking for natural products that are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic additives, SWISS ALPINE HERBS is an excellent choice. With its high-quality herbs and spices as well as innovative products such as herbal lemonade and herbal chocolate, the company is a leader in the natural and healthy food market and has earned an excellent reputation.

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