Customer feedback & customer ratings
What do your customers really think about your services or products? We have developed a customer feedback tool (Service Follow Up Tool) that can be used across all industries. Whether in the medical sector or the travel industry, customer opinion is important. However, a feedback tool alone is not enough – integrate a defined service follow-up process into your business processes. The tool helps to collect the data, store it securely (all personal data is stored 100% encrypted) and make evaluations in real time. Real-time evaluations help to keep your company and the services offered competitive and at a consistently high level of quality. As an executive or manager, you can make the right decisions based on negative reviews before they increase. An SFU tool helps to bundle negative reviews, negative feedback or dissatisfied customers in one channel. Customers also feel taken seriously when negative opinions (preferably with a clear comment from the company, which is also possible via the tool) are posted online. Avoid damaging your company’s reputation in social media channels because your customers cannot “vent” their dissatisfaction directly on your site, store or portal. Customers love it when you take them seriously and respond to them. Dissatisfied customers can be converted into satisfied or at least neutral customers if you accommodate them or at least try to understand them and allow them to publish their opinions in an “online community” (in our case: the SFU tool). Would you like to find out more about how you can use Service Follow Up processes and our tool for your company? We would be happy to advise you in detail:
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