We turn ideas into online prototypes – of all kinds – at low cost

From the idea to the online solution

Have you developed an ingenious project idea or are you still in the middle of it? Is it an online solution, an online platform or something similar? Are you about to take the next step and develop your business idea or business model into a feasible concept? Then you’ve come to the right place. We provide you with very cost-effective support in developing functional online solutions from your ideas, your visions and your business model. The intermediate step is called: concept. But we don’t rely on “pointless concept documents” that nobody needs in the end. We rely on necessary cornerstones, such as well-developed requirements catalogs, functional specifications, process descriptions and visualizations of workflows.

Focus on Details

Often the ideas in our customers’ heads are already quite mature – but it still takes a few detailed steps to fine-tune the exact requirements. This is our strength – we work with you to identify the key functions and factors that will ultimately make your online solution a success. We work with you to develop a solution concept that provides detailed information on all the required functionalities and design specifications, in compliance with confidentiality agreements.

Small budget – no problem!

Is your budget severely limited? No problem. We support you selectively in the concept phase and hand over important work packages that you can implement yourself if the necessary personnel resources are available.

The right method (kit) makes the difference

Have we piqued your interest? Did you know that we are happy to provide you with a Method Starterkit free of charge, which you can use to give your project ideas a more concrete framework? We would be happy to send you our Project Method Starterkit software in digital form free of charge. Simply get in touch with us: info@rettenmund-solutions.ch

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