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Easysticker is your partner for vehicle lettering, car stickers, stickers, labels and wall tattoos. With great passion and attention to detail, the “small sticker factory” in Rubigen produces a wide variety of stickers and decals as individual items or in large runs. Great importance is attached to the quality and durability of the stickers and only quality foils are used to ensure that your stickers will continue to give you pleasure for years to come. The great advantage of Easysticker: from the layout for the vehicle lettering to the production of the various stickers and the application, everything is offered from a single source. If something cannot be produced by Easysticker, a large, professional network from the Bern region is available. This also ensures that the products meet the high quality requirements and are produced under fair conditions.
Use your car as a free advertising space, e.g. for your company or club event, and from now on the traffic jam on the A6 will at least accommodate you in terms of advertising. Whether very small or up to a width of 120 cm, whether printed or contour-cut stickers, whether square, round, text or logo stickers or a free form, everything can be ordered in the sticker store at in just a few simple steps. The stickers are easy to install and just as easy to remove from the rear window without leaving any residue. For larger stickers or car graphics that are a little more complex to install, you can benefit from the Easysticker installation service. Thanks to a small team, Easysticker can respond quickly and easily to customer requests and implement them individually, which is greatly appreciated by customers. Rettenmund Solutions defined a comprehensive online strategy for Easysticker, which the individual company was ultimately able to implement itself. In this way, online marketing expenditure was kept to a minimum. Easysticker, the friendly Bernese “sticker factory” in Rubigen, can be found at:

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