Relaunch – the Phoenix Lerninstitut breaks new digital ground

IMG_0910The Phoenix Lerninstitut Bern was founded in summer 2012. It is located in the trendy Breitenrain district at Scheibenstrasse 20a, a convenient location in terms of transport links. Many young families live in the neighborhood and are happy to find a learning institute nearby that provides uncomplicated and efficient help with school problems. Most of the students working at Phoenix Lerninstitut Bern are about to graduate. Some are also still training to become secondary school teachers. This guarantees a high quality of service. What is the difference to private lessons, which are given “under the table” in classrooms, libraries, swimming pools or wherever for CHF 20.00 or 30.00 per hour? Phoenix Lerninstitut works with a clear concept. First of all, the current situation is carefully assessed so that an individual, target-oriented and, above all, cost-effective concept can be worked out with the student. Regular learning assessments are used to determine learning progress. Periodic discussions are held to determine whether adjustments need to be made. This tried-and-tested approach can prevent a pupil from being taught and still failing to achieve learning success. The cheapest subscription at Phoenix Lerninstitut Bern costs CHF 68.00 per 55-minute lesson. In order to guarantee an optimal learning atmosphere, lessons are held exclusively in the light-flooded, spacious rooms. The success rate of young people who have entrusted themselves to Phoenix Lerninstitut is a good 90%. Phoenix Lerninstitut Bern is therefore not a discounter, but meets very high quality standards. Experience shows that more and more young adults are also taking advantage of the wide range of services offered by Phoenix Lerninstitut Bern. For this reason, the website was completely redesigned this summer and a new digital concept for the Internet world was created. Important factors were: addressing the right target group, a clear focus on the Bern region / city of Bern, arousing the curiosity of interested parties, providing the right information (why Phoenix Lerninstitut is not a low-cost provider). More information on the Internet:

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