Quick & Easy: Migrate Magento

How easy it is to migrate your Magento store …

  1. Back up old Magento store files (e.g. download via FTP) – all folders / subfolders
  2. Save old DB status (e.g. via phpMyAdmin database backup)
  3. Set up new DB on target hosting
  4. Assign new DB user to the newly created DB
  5. Restore the old DB status to the empty new DB
  6. Customize the settings in the Magento files. Easiest way: Search all files for the old DB name): Now a Search ‘n Replace for the old DB name -> new DB name, the same for DB username and DB password.
  7. Upload the Magento store files
  8. Adjust the DB table “core_config_data” if the domain for the Magento store has also changed, replace all old URLs in the VALUE column with the new URL
  9. Finished
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