Ms. Meier, write a few SEO texts!

When the secretary gets up close and personal with Google

Search engine optimization yes – the only question is who takes care of it? All too often we find that clients can’t find the time to put exciting articles online in their blog or to prepare existing articles for search engines due to their “daily business”. Often a part-time employee like “Mrs. Meier” is asked to add a few clever tags or keywords and revise the text so that the article can be found by search engines. We don’t think that makes much sense.

Tags, keywords are just the beginning

Search engine optimization, often called “SEO” for short, starts from scratch. The content of texts should be specially prepared for the Internet,  because who likes to scroll through 30 pages of web text? It certainly depends on the essentials: Internet users today are very fast, quickly read the main and sub-headings of articles or blog entries and then surf on after just a few seconds if they are not interested.

Valuable content with return guarantee

So be sure to offer your visitors interesting content and show Google that you are an expert in a specialist area or topic. Convince your human website visitors too, so that they remember your website, your portal or your blog and come back!

One SEO text please!

So that your secretary doesn’t break a sweat, it’s better to rely on professionals. Of course, there are many SEO providers – but we specialize in large and small adjustments, such as those that “Mrs. Meier” would have to make, and ongoing SEO tuning at fair prices.

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