Online search for flight MH370 – we’re joining in too!
Rettenmund Solutions is also involved in the search for flight MH370 – at – yesterday we came across some small unknown mini-islands. No, unfortunately it wasn’t Atlantis. We will be happy to explain to you how you too can search for the missing flight via online satellite images. Ask us: Today, Michael Rettenmund from Rettenmund Solutions joins the discussion live on Bavarian radio and reports on the online search using, which is actively supported by the Rettenmund Solutions team here in Switzerland. Read more about the topic below. From the online article on
Can an airplane simply disappear?
A Malaysia Airlines plane has been missing for eleven days. What do you think of this strange case, asks the Tagesgespräch. Give us a call! The case remains mysterious: since March 8, a Malaysia Airlines plane that was supposed to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board has been missing. It never arrived there and instead deviated from its route. To this day, however, nobody knows where the plane might have crashed. Or it is not known.
How can a Boeing 777-200ER simply disappear?
The daily talk on Bayern 2 and BR-alpha asks: Have we overestimated how seamlessly our world is monitored? How can an airplane evade radar? Why can’t it be found on satellite images? And why can’t the plane be located via the passengers’ cell phones? Experience shows: Sometimes the search for an airplane that has crashed can take a long time: In 2009, an Air France plane crashed into the Atlantic off the Brazilian coast. It was not until 2011 that the wreckage was discovered and the flight data recorder recovered.
Call us and join the discussion!
Aviation expert Heinrich Grossbongardt is the guest of presenter Christine Krueger. The central question: Which scenario do you think is likely? What happened to the Boeing 777-200ER, the two pilots, the crew and the passengers? Source:
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