Spoilt for choice – Content Management Systems (CMS)

It is not only the open source world that can offer a range of ingenious content management system (CMS) solutions today. But what is the best choice for a small company or SME? Below you will find a short checklist or list of questions to help you decide on a CMS system:

  • What is your financial budget? Can you and do you want to afford a CMS that incurs annual license fees?
  • Would you like to be able to customize the layout and design as well as the content?
  • What security requirements do you have for the website?
  • How modular should the content be structured (e.g. content blocks, fragments, columns)?
  • How do you envisage technical support if your CMS spits out errors? (telephone, e-mail, community forums)
  • How many people work on the website (e.g. editors, moderators, administrators)?
  • What content do you want to offer on your website (text pages, photos, videos, documents, etc.)?
  • Would you like to launch your website in several languages?
  • Do you want your website to be versioned (allows you to restore old page versions/page content)
  • What requirements do you have for loading times?
  • How well does your website need to be search engine optimized?
  • Are you thinking of integrating the CMS into other systems?

This list of questions is only an excerpt. We would be happy to discuss your CMS requirements with you in detail and work with you to select the most suitable software.

Here are our Open Source CMS top 10 charts:

  • #01: WordPress 3.x
  • #02: Joomla 3
  • #03: Joomla 2.x
  • #04: Drupal
  • #05: Contao
  • #06: Typo3 CMS
  • #07: Typo3 (Pre-Typo CMS)
  • #08: Silverstripe
  • #09: Dotnetnuke
  • #10: Umbraco
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