WordPress 3.5 released – what’s new?

WordPress 3.5 released

After months of anticipation and anticipation, the open source community has finally received what it has been waiting for: the release of WordPress 3.5. This latest version was officially released this week, an event of great significance to our customers and other avid users around the world. As a major release that includes some significant improvements and new features, WordPress 3.5 confirms its reputation as one of the leading content management systems on the market. One of the standout features introduced in WordPress 3.5 is the improvement of upload functions. These features are crucial for websites of all kinds, from personal blogs to large corporate websites that regularly publish multimedia content. With the improved upload function, users can now upload files more easily and efficiently than ever before. This offers both casual users and professional webmasters the opportunity to save time and make their work more effective. In addition to improving the upload functions, WordPress 3.5 has also simplified the handling of photo galleries and single image material. In today’s era where visual content is of utmost importance, this improvement makes handling images much easier. Photo galleries and individual images can now be uploaded, arranged and published with just a few clicks, making the whole process more intuitive and user-friendly. Another significant improvement in WordPress 3.5 is the ability to upload images via drag-and-drop. This feature not only makes the upload process easier and faster, but also more enjoyable. The drag-and-drop feature is especially useful for users who work with large amounts of images, as it greatly simplifies the process of uploading and arranging images. One of the most ingenious aspects of WordPress 3.5, however, is the introduction of Retina Display support. Retina Displays, popularized primarily by Apple, are known for their extremely high pixel density, which makes for a crisp and detailed image. With the new Retina Display Support, websites created with WordPress 3.5 can now also be displayed on these high-resolution screens in their full glory. But this feature isn’t just for Apple users. With more and more devices using HD screens, Retina Display Support provides general support for HD screens, ensuring WordPress websites display optimally on a wide range of devices. The WordPress 3.5 release also brought a new welcome page and a more streamlined admin menu. The new welcome page provides a fresh and inviting introduction to the system, while the streamlined admin menu provides clearer and more efficient navigation. For WordPress developers, there are also reasons to rejoice. The introduction of new JavaScript libraries opens up new possibilities for developing and customizing WordPress websites. In addition, there is now a Tumblr importer that makes it easier to transfer content from Tumblr to WordPress.

Overall, WordPress 3.5 is a robust and powerful CMS solution that more than meets today’s requirements in terms of efficiency, ease of use and versatility. With its release just before Christmas, it has undoubtedly made all WordPress fans around the world beam with joy and made the festive season even more enjoyable. The official source of this information is wordpress.com, the home of the WordPress community and the one-stop-shop for all information, updates and news related to WordPress.

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