Our extended offer – now also hosting, text and image services

We now also create your online content
In November 2010, we are expanding our range of services. In addition to pure IT consulting and programming services, we now also offer the following services:

  • A good text is everything!
    New in our range are Copywriting and content generation services. From plain text for your website (e.g. for a blog) to online advertising copy. We offer you a wide range!
  • A picture is worth a thousand words
    In addition to pure text capture, we now also offer you image content generation. Whether you need image material for online use or for print media – we will take care of it from now on. Our huge image database is guaranteed to have something suitable for you. Ingenious yet affordable image material is our motto.
  • Sharepoint 2007 – 2010 migrations
    Are you still using the old version of Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2007 and want to migrate your intranet, extranet or publishing website to the new version? We know all the necessary steps,  advise you competently and reliably from A to Z, so that your Sharepoint migration can run smoothly and cost-effectively.
  • Expansion of content management system services with WordPress
    Do you need a company blog or simply want to appear on the Internet with a simple website for your company? Then we recommend the open source solution WordPress, which we have been using successfully for years. Thanks to our many years of experience with the product, we know what needs to be taken into account. This allows us to work cost-efficiently and you not only save money but also have a great online solution.

Kindly recommended by Rettenmund Solutions

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