Search engine optimization (SEO)

Make the search engine your ally

Do you want to appear at the top of search engines like Google? We say: In principle, anything is possible. However, the kind of entry pages that were often generated in the past no longer lead to success today. However, you can easily optimize your own website without massive technical knowledge. The first and simplest steps for optimization can include the following:

  1. Take plenty of time to identify the most important search terms (keywords) for your offer:
    • Ask friends and acquaintances what search terms they would use
    • Research keyword databases to find out which search terms are used most frequently
    • Consider different spellings, singular/plural and synonyms
    • Take a look at the meta data of your competitors’ websites
    • Use log file analyses to regularly evaluate the search terms used by visitors to reach your site via search engines.
  2. For topics with a lot of competition or search terms with a large number of hits, you should concentrate on combinations of keywords. Achieving a top ranking for a single keyword is very difficult, and there is no guarantee that users searching in such a general way are looking for exactly what your website offers; two- or three-word combinations of search terms are easier to rank for, and searchers who find your website in this way are more likely to be in your target group and easier to acquire as customers.
  3. Do not place all keywords on all pages, but optimize each individual page for just a few of them.
  4. Make sure that your most important search terms appear in the following places:
    • in the page title
    • in headings
    • in the page content
    • in file or directory names
    • in link texts
    • in the meta data

However, it is important not to overdo it. Too much of a good thing can be viewed negatively by search engines (SPAM). Please also note that you can quickly make a dubious impression on your visitors. Have we aroused your interest in search engine optimization? We will be happy to show you all the possibilities. Contact us without obligation.

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